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Mode d'emploi ZENEC ZE-NC4110

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Detaljerade användarinstruktioner finns i bruksanvisningen

[. . . ] Vid montering av ZE-NC4110 ha alltid tillräcklig uppmärksamhet så man inte skadar någon av trådarna, pluggar eller andra delar, såsom extern TMC modul. Undvik använda alltför mycket mekanisk kraft, särskilt när man trycker tillbaka enheten i facket. Som standard ur lådan är den interna mikrofonen aktiverad. [. . . ] Tampering with the on-board electrical system might cause error codes to be stored in the DME. It is thus recommended to disconnect the GND wire of the negative battery pole before you start with any installation work. The flawless function of the ZE-NC4110 can only be guaranteed, when the original accessories and wire harnesses contained in the set are deployed as described in this installation manual. When mounting the ZE-NC4110 always pay proper attention not to damage any of the wires, plugs or other parts such as the external TMC module. Avoid applying too much mechanical force especially when pushing the unit back into the slot. Out of the box, the internal microphone is activated. If you want to use the external microphone, remove the purple connector with the wire bridge, activate the external microphone in the Bluetooth setup menu and plug in the purple connector of the external microphone. If you want to switch back using the internal microphone later on, the purple plug with the wire bridge must be inserted again ­ after the connector of the external microphone has been unplugged. Finally, reactivate the internal microphone in the Bluetooth setup menu. You can find a detailed description of the Bluetooth mode and all its functions and settings in the main manual. Please check if all plug-and-socket connections on the rear of the ZE-NC4110 are properly seated before you lock the unit in place. Please contact your authorized ZENEC dealer or the distributor of the country, where you have purchased your E>GO unit, if you have any technical problems or further questions. In addition, you can look up a detailed FAQ data base on www. zenec. com, where most of the questions revolving around the connectivity or the installation of a given E>GO model are explained in detail. Any update of the main unit software or the navigation system (software and map data) requires the USB port of the media link box to be present and accessible. For this purpose, the installation of the media link box is mandatory. The media link box is contained in the ZE-NC4110 set ­ just make sure you find a good and suitable mounting location that is easy to access (i. e. glove compartment, arm rest box etc. ). q Installation: Installation: Cover removal: Unlock the cover with a plastic lever tool. Start from the right. q Panel borttagning: Lossa plastpanelen med hjälp av en plast spatel (fiskben) verktyg. Börja från höger. Koppla ur askkoppens belysning. Unplug the ashtray illumination. w w Förvaringsfack borttagning: Ta bort de två skruvarna. Storage compartment removal: Remove the two mounting screws. Nu kan du ta bort förvaringsfacket rutan. Now you can remove the storage compartment box. e Borttagning av radio ramen: Ta bort skruvarna som håller radion rams höljet och AC kontrollpanelen. Removal of the radio trim cover: Remove the screws holding the radio trim cover and the AC control panel. e Försiktigt bända loss höljet och dra ur sladden tillhörande klockan. [. . . ] Now connect the appropriate connector of the main connection cable to the CAN bus interface. e e Fäst , , ZENEC" märkt kabel till CANBus-adaptern och dess motsatta ende på grå kabel märkt , , IR-IN" av 8-pin anslutningskabel. Tråden märkt , , Parkering" måste ha kontakt med , , jord", när handbromsen är aktiverad. Attach the , , ZENEC" labelled cable to the CAN-Bus adapter and its opposite end to the grey wire labelled "IR-IN" of the 8-pin connector cable. The wire labelled , , "Parking" has to have contact to "Ground", when the handbrake is engaged. r r Slutligen ansluter man antennkontakten på bilen i Antennadapter av TMC modul. Finally plug the antenna connector of the car into the antenna adapter of the TMC module. Diagram översikt av Elektroniska Anslutningar/Connections Overview Diagram 11 0 Packlista/Packing list NO. [. . . ]


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