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Utdrag ur manual: manual XEROX PHASER 4400GUIDE D'INSTALLATION
Detaljerade användarinstruktioner finns i bruksanvisningen
[. . . ] · The User Software Installation Guide describes how to install software from the User Software CD and to enable users to print to the Xerox EX7750. · The Configuration Guide explains basic configuration and administration of the Xerox EX7750 for the supported platforms and network environments. It also includes guidelines for setting up network servers to provide printing services to users. · The Printing Guide describes the printing features of the Xerox EX7750 for users who send jobs from their computers. [. . . ] Installing DocBuilder Pro from the User Software CD can cause unpredictable results. In order to use DocBuilder Pro, you must install Acrobat and the Impose dongle.
NOTE: Job Monitor is automatically installed when you install the printer driver on
your computer. To use Job Monitor, you first need to enable it in the printer driver. The Fiery utilities must be separately installed on each user's computer. The installation of each utility is similar. To use EX7750 software (Command WorkStation, and ColorWise Pro Tools) as well as WebTools on a Windows computer, you must install the Sun Java file, Java Runtime Environment (JRE), provided in the CommonUtl folder on the User Software CD. If the Sun Java file is not installed, you are prompted to install it before you proceed to EX7750 software. For more information about installing Java Runtime Environment (JRE), see "To install Sun Java on your computer" below. For more information about WebTools, see the Job Management Guide and the Printing Guide.
Installing User Software on a Windows Computer
To install the software, you must have Service Pack 4 on a Windows 2000 computer, and Service Pack 1 installed on your Windows XP computer. If not, a warning message alerts you to install the Service Pack. SUN JAVA
When the dialog box prompting you to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) appears, click OK to proceed with installation. For example, in the file name, pp_5. setup_de. exe, "de" represents German. The identifiers for the other languages are: us (English), fr (French), and es (Spanish).
Double click the PitStop setup icon you want.
The Welcome to Enfocus PitStop Setup dialog box appears,
4. Click Next and then click Yes to the license agreement.
The Information dialog box appears.
NOTE: Make sure to complete the Enfocus Certified PDF Personal Information form.
Otherwise, the form will appear every time you launch Acrobat.
5. Click Next.
The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears. PitStop will automatically select the correct location for installation.
6. Click Finish.
For more information, see the PitStop documentation in Acrobat under Help > Plug-in Help\Enfocus PitStop Professional.
Using Fiery utilities for the first time
Using Fiery utilities for the first time
Before you can use the newly installed software, you must configure the connection to the EX7750. Configuration of the Fiery utilities is similar. Fiery Printer Delete Utility is installed and used locally, so connection to the EX7750 is not required before using the software. Click Start, choose Programs, and then choose Fiery. Click FieryPrinterDeleteUtility.
The Fiery Driver Uninstall Tool dialog box appears. If any EX7750 printer drivers are found on your computer, they are displayed.
3. [. . . ] Select a login level, enter a password if required, and click OK.
No password is required to log in as Guest. If the administrator has configured Guest access, any user has full access to the Installer WebTool while logged in as Guest.
Click Installer.
Under the name of your operating system, click the name of the item you want to install. For installation of user software, follow the on-screen instructions.
7. 9.
Using the WebTools Installer
For installation of printer drivers, continue with the following instructions.
A dialog box appears, prompting you to save the file to the location you choose. [. . . ]
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