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Detaljerade användarinstruktioner finns i bruksanvisningen
[. . . ] MODEL
1. Installation Sending Faxes Receiving Faxes Making Copies Answering Machine Connection Special Functions Printing Lists Maintenance Troubleshooting
CAUTION: For a complete electrical disconnection pull out the mains plug. VORSICHT: Zur vollständigen elektrischen Trennung vom Netz den Netzstecker ziehen. ATTENTION: Pour obtenir une mise hors-circuit totale, débrancher la prise de courant secteur. [. . . ] A distorted image is received at the other end. · Make sure that the document for transmission is placed face down in the feeder. · Noise on the telephone line may cause distortion. · Make a copy of the document on your fax machine. If the copy is also distorted, your fax machine may need service. Solution · Make sure the handset cord is connected to the correct socket. See Connecting the handset on page 10.
Dialling is not possible.
Problems and Solutions
Reception and copying problems
9. Troubleshooting
Problem The power is on, but no reception takes place. Solution · Make sure that the telephone line cord is plugged into the TEL. · Make sure that the document is loaded properly in the feeder of the transmitting machine. Make a copy or print a report to confirm the printing ability of your machine. · It is important to select a paper that is appropriate for the thermal transfer printer in your fax. We recommend using laser quality paper that has a very smooth finish. Copier paper will work, but it sometimes tends to yield a lighter print quality. · Ask the other party to send higher contrast documents. If the contrast is still too low, your fax machine may need service. Make a copy or print a report to check your machine's printing ability. · Noise on the telephone line may cause distortion. Have the other party try sending the document again. · Make a copy or print a report on your fax machine. If the copy or report is also distorted, your fax machine may need service. A received document or copy prints out in strips. [. . . ] STOP (STOP) µ µµ µ . µ µ, µ µµ 73. µ , µ µ . µµ ( µµ µ), µ µ µ ( µ 50). [. . . ]
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