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Navigation Handbook JAGUAR CARS LIMITED, as manufacturers, are dedicated to the design and production of vehicles which meet the expectations of the world’s most discerning purchasers. To complement the features, systems and technology of your new vehicle we have produced this Navigation Handbook. In it we have undertaken to make the control of complex systems easy to understand and operate. The information contained herein applies to a range of vehicles and not to a specific vehicle. [. . . ] This can occur, for example, if the vehicle has been moved on a trailer or by ferry. If the new position is not found automatically by the system, it can be corrected by using the calibration procedures (Position first). • Touch Position to adjust the vehicle position. • Touch Distance to recalibrate the system. The screen briefly shows ‘Distance Calibration is in Progress’. Calibration is carried out during normal driving. No notification is given that distance calibration has been completed.
Position procedure The map showing the current vehicle position is displayed. • Scroll the map until the navigation symbol (vehicle position) is in the correct geographical location. • Touch OK to confirm the new position and display the map screen for heading adjustment.
Position (heading) The map screen showing the heading adjustment arrows is displayed. • Adjust the vehicle heading using the arrows (clockwise or anticlockwise), until the navigation symbol is shown in the correct alignment. • Touch OK to confirm the new heading.
Basic functions
General menus (continued)
Map screen Split Screen – When set to Split Screen, the map display always shows the guidance screen overlay when a route is set. Full Screen – When set to Full Screen, the screen normally shows the map display, with the next turn symbol in the top right-hand corner. Before each manoeuvre point, the guidance screen overlay is displayed automatically. (The overlay can also be displayed manually by touching the guidance screen button. ) Guidance screen Turn Arrows – When set to Turn Arrows, the guidance screen overlay shows the on-route arrow and next turn symbol. Before each manoeuvre point, the next junction diagram is displayed automatically. Turn List – When set to Turn List, the guidance screen overlay shows the current portion of the route turn list. Before each manoeuvre point, the next junction diagram is displayed automatically.
Time to destination When set to Show, the estimated time to destination will be shown on the map display. Message centre guidance (where fitted) This refers to the display of navigation information on the instrument panel message centre while driving under guidance.
Display options
The screen shows the display options available, with the current selections highlighted. Map Screen – Split Screen/Full Screen. Guidance Screen – Turn Arrows/Turn List. • To select a guidance setting, touch the button for the setting required. • When finished, touch OK to apply the new settings. [. . . ] Note: As way points are entered, they are automatically added to the list of previous destinations.
Road coverage in Canada
In Canada, only the major road network is covered by the system, and route guidance is restricted to these roads. While driving under guidance you may wish to deviate from the route, for example at a service area. As the area of coverage does not extend far from each major road, it is possible that you may be outside the coverage area. In this situation, route guidance will continue only when you have rejoined the highlighted route.
Auto reroute
While under guidance, if the vehicle deviates from the route, a new route will be calculated automatically. [. . . ]
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