Instruktionsbok CANON CANOSCAN LIDE 110

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[. . . ] They offer a high image output resolution up to 600 x 600 dpi and the DR-9080C offers a `smoothing' function to reduce the moiré effect and enhance quality. Advanced text enhancement improves the legibility of fine and light text. You also benefit from wrinkle-free documents, due to a dual light sensor system that prevents wrinkle shades on a document appearing on the scanned image. [. . . ] You also benefit from wrinkle-free documents, due to a dual light sensor system that prevents wrinkle shades on a document appearing on the scanned image. A3 and colour advantage Both models scan up to a large A3 size, and also have the ability to handle different paper formats and thicknesses in mixed batches. Furthermore, the DR-9080C provides 24-bit colour support for use in a wide range of business applications, such as scanning coloured graphs, charts and presentations. Renowned reliability Canon has always been acclaimed for highly reliable document scanning and these models continue to prove the point. They utilise a new feeding mechanism, combined with our strong and durable original retard roller system. This allows the scanners to accept a wider range of paper thicknesses and provides even more reliable paper feeding performance. Other advantages include practical improvements to both the document feed and eject trays. Easy to use control panel Extremely reliable feeder User-replaceable feed rollers CANOSCAN LIDE 110 / DR-9080C Ultra efficient productivity. Profit from continuous output and complete reliability. Canon's durable production scanners are designed to deliver high-speed, continuous output - so you benefit from maximum uptime and minimum hassle. Highly reliable document feeding is enhanced by double feed detection and single staple detection. Plus the upper unit of the scanner lifts up and remains in position, for easy and quick clearance should a paper jam occur. CANOSCAN LIDE 110 / DR-9080C Ultra efficient software. File, find and distribute your documents effortlessly. Powerful CapturePerfect utility software ensures streamlined scanning for all your tasks. Equally important, you can distribute documents worldwide at a touch with time-saving functions such as `Scan to Mail' and `Save as PDF'. Plus productive accessories allow you to customise either scanner to meet your specific company needs - including optional barcode recognition for fast and reliable forms processing. Powerful CapturePerfect utility software The DR-9080C and CANOSCAN LIDE 110 feature new CapturePerfect 3. 0 utility software. When combined with Canon's latest driver and scanner hardware functions, this offers you the capability and versatility you need for extensive applications - while also optimising image quality and overall ease of use. Flexible functions include: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Save as PDF (OCR) Scan to Mail Thumb Nail View Multi-Window Text Enhancement Smoothing (Colour and Greyscale) De-skew Pre-scan Flipping over (Front/Back) Skip Blank Page Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection Text Orientation Recognition Simple Staple Detection Patch code detection Image Rotation (0/ 90/180/270°) Gamma Curve Setting (Side & colour) Black Boarder Erasure Colour Dropout (with Red, Green, Blue enhancement) Productive accessories A range of optional accessories are available with both scanners. An Imprinter allows you to print a variety of text messages on the front of scanned documents. The Endorser can print a number or stamp on the back of scanned documents. [. . . ] Flexible functions include: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Save as PDF (OCR) Scan to Mail Thumb Nail View Multi-Window Text Enhancement Smoothing (Colour and Greyscale) De-skew Pre-scan Flipping over (Front/Back) Skip Blank Page Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection Text Orientation Recognition Simple Staple Detection Patch code detection Image Rotation (0/ 90/180/270°) Gamma Curve Setting (Side & colour) Black Boarder Erasure Colour Dropout (with Red, Green, Blue enhancement) Productive accessories A range of optional accessories are available with both scanners. An Imprinter allows you to print a variety of text messages on the front of scanned documents. The Endorser can print a number or stamp on the back of scanned documents. [. . . ]


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